Thursday, August 10, 2006

Coordinating and logistics are my Achilles Heel

If anyone out there thinks I'm ridiculously lucky that I'm getting to do all of this travel, I will agree initially... but then I'd immediately point the following out:

I AM A WORRYWART. I can't control it, I really should be a mother, etc. etc.

I'm just looking at my travel arrangements and my eyes are glazing over -- different airlines, different terminals... Am I the only person left on Earth that hasn't been to Vegas (and thus would know that it's a SMALLL main strip) or L.A. (do they really have SEVEN terminals??). Then there's car pickups at various locations, train trips, none of my meetings anywhere are "central" which requires me to jump in a rental car and traverse foreign highways which will hopefully get me over and through sketchy areas and into the ones where my lovely potential characters live and work. I think there's a day flight in there to San Fran somewhere.

WHEW. It's a lot for one girl to handle.... and I think we should start wagering now what mishap will befall me first. Oh yes, in case you couldn't read between the lines, I'm also a major pessimist....

The way my schedule is packed, my biggest disappointment will be not getting a chance to really take much in. I can see myself coming back with a really great comparison on the very minute details of each hotel room I crash in at the end of my whirlwind days. As a joke, I've been taking photos of my various hotel rooms since I started shooting out of town 4 years ago. Weird, yes. But I'm sure I'll make a silly collage or something eventually.

Such is my reality.

Keep ya posted!

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