Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Three Weeks In...

Three weeks fly by so fast...

So I have a couple more days with my researcher Anna, and I'm soooo tempted to see if we can have her on for a bit longer. I realize that part of this is because I am addicted to hunting. Sniffing out leads and digging for stories...thinking that if I don't keep going, if I don't peek around the corner or see what's behind the next door I'll miss the greatest find known to storytelling.... Obssessive, I admit. But often there are great rewards. We'll see if we can extend research a bit longer...

Locations and trips are beginning to come together. Some areas that I thought in my initial planning would reveal great characters have not (Texas, Atlanta)...and others that I didn't consider are (South Carolina, Las Vegas).

Things I learned this week:

- Language barriers never get easier to handle and perhaps I should learn a bit of Portuguese
- Italians (just like the Greeks) are on vacation pretty much all of August
- Americans still get confused when they get a call from a Canadian filmmaker. Not quite sure why. I had one man last week say "How are you gonna research and find characters from all the way up in Canada?" Sigh.
- Celebrities are more carefully guarded than I ever thought.
- this is really shaping up to be a great project!!!

Onwards I plug...

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