Monday, July 17, 2006

Tassles, Titties and Tushes...

Friday marked the end of my first official week of development....and my first ever burlesque show. Ok, I should clarify. I went as a SPECTATOR. I'd first heard about burlesque last year (I know...I know...I've been living under a rock)...and since then I had strategically been avoiding seeing a burlesque show.


Originally this documentary was envisioned as my personal journey. As in, my journey to see how women across North America feel about their butts and to seek out the women who celebrate what they've got in the "back". So I knew burlesque would be highly empowering and I wanted to save that moment for when the cameras were rolling. How genuine of me, huh?
But then I decided I'd love to weave the stories of three unique, empowering characters rather than myself. So... off I went to my first burlesque show.

It was Toronto-based troupe "Skin Tight Outta Sight" at the Gladstone. The theme was Tiki Tease. I got there a bit late and the self-proclaimed tranny host was already revving up the crowd.

The show itself was fun. I was surprised to see a guy performing as part of the troupe -- don't quite know why. But his enthusiasm, if not his dance moves, were inspiring. The three girls I did see (well one i think was also a transexual and probably had the most riveting style of the bunch) were really great. Pussy CaloWhora (sp) was very Vegas showgirl... Coco La Creme like a curvalicious fairy tale character... and tthen there was Lena Love. Can't find the words to describe but it was all ultra-modern, slick, and the movements like a blend of ballet, martial arts, and i suppose maybe "Blue Man Group"? I was spellbound.

The kicker -- Michelle L'Amour -- she of "the ass that goes POW" fame was supposed to be the guest act, couldn't attend. I was waiting to see this so called ass trick she does.

The reason she couldnt make it? Because she had just moved on to the next round of America's Got Talent! Yep, Brandy was revolted...but Michelle in her Snow White Stripper-esque styles prevailed! So I lost my chance to meet a perfect candidate for the film.

After a few hours -- the intermission and the alcohol made me woozy -- it was time to call it a night. I believe I missed one more performer -- but I felt that I got a good sense of the event. It's all in good fun -- choreographed but not regimented, playful not perfect... a great night out for a bunch of friends.

But now I'm looking to see what sets the hundreds of other burlesque troupes across North America apart...

Any thoughts or perspective... let me know!


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