Saturday, July 29, 2006

No Crystal

It's pretty hard to determine if a rep is being honest when they say they've spoken to their client about your project -- but apparently Crystal is not interested in doing any TV work or acting. Her rep says she's quite happy doing as much modelling as she can, as that's what makes her happy. That's the story he's going with.

Hey, to each, her own. I'm looking for a woman who's interested in acting as a role model for other women, which is a serious responsibility. Disasterous if treated lightly. But -- for a girl who's gone on the record (AND many tv programs) to talk about her past eating disorder and the plus-size modelling world changed her life....her "answer" is a bit suspicious.

In the end, I never wanted this to be a celebrity-driven story. But, I do wonder if my request ever actually made it to Crystal and if she's making any decisions on her "gigs" herself...


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