Friday, February 23, 2007


I am going to Brazil.

Yes, the land of "bunda" (Brazilian term for the fabulous fanny).

Hate me, envy me, but know this. I am going for 3 nights, the travel time will be around 15 hours EACH WAY, and by some miracle we need to roll off of our flight to Rio and start filming. In other words, I doubt I'll be lying on the beach or swimming at any point during this trip. Which is a travesty. But I have to keep reminding myself, I'm not on vacation, I'm working. Even in BRAZIL.

It's our last chance to catch any part of Carnival, which many consider to be the greatest show on earth and one of the experiences one must have before they die. That alone is reason enough to suffer through a bit of exhaustion and sweat.... Remember, it's minus 20 celsius here in Toronto. It's 35 celsius in Rio....

I am so grateful to my producers and coworkers who helped to pull this shoot together... I will go into more detail at some point of the AMOUNT OF WORK it took to make this trip happen -- including pulling no less than a small miracle getting a country on vacation to issue us travel VISAs... but for now, I've gotta get myself ready.

Will fill you in soon.... It's going to be like the most vivid dream I've ever had. I will wake up in 3 days and wonder if it really happend because it will already be over.

I just hope i don't get sick, hurt, heat-exhausted, robbed..... (just how does one quiet an inner-worrywart voice as strong as mine?)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tatyana, this looks AMAZING!! Congrats on getting (almost) everything in the can, good luck with the editing, let me know about the segment. :o) Sarah