Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Booty Forever

I realize that I abandoned this blog without even so much as a sign-off! Apologies!

The film is complete and I've moved on to new ventures, but I'm happy to say the booty journey lives on.

I have received many emails from Aussies complimenting my work, which is unbelieveably gratifying. The film aired a few weeks back on SBS, a broadcaster in Australia. It's always fascinating to hear how people from different countries and communities respond to a project, especially given my very specific viewpoint. Overall, the response has been good, save a few older male tv critics who weren't blown away by the story -- and I do not discredit them for not being able to identify with my personal journey!!

I will post updates from time to time, as I catch wind of new airdates and once I get into the film festival circuit. But more than anything, I look forward to connecting with like-minded women and men, filmmakers or otherwise, to continue to create films that have an impact!

A self-proclaimed "booty gal",